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Garage Sales in
Coree ACT 2611(+20km)

4 results

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Lyneham, ACT
On Today!

Bedside tables-queen bed —stools— Desk — various lamps — Ryobi water pressure cleaner — exercise machine and other items as per...

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Wanniassa, ACT
On Today!

LOTS of household, garden, workshop items - EVERYTHING must go!!
FRI 14 MAR 8am-6pm SAT 15 MAR 7am-12pm 4 Billson Pl Wanniassa Photos only show some of the items, more being added daily. Check out my other...

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Higgins, ACT

Higgins Garage Sale
Huge Garage Sale – Downsizing! Everything Must Go! We’re downsizing and have lots of great items for sale, including: Furniture – Couches,...

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Cook, ACT

Garage sale 10 Mackeller Cres Cook 2614 Sunday 8am till 12.
600+ quality books on Art, Literature, philosophy, Architecture, Scotland. Woodworking tools and household goods

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